Best Practice

Shouldn’t and Mustn’t? We prefer SHOULD and MUST

You should dominate the Equipment Category for the following reasons:

  • The obvious one is the revenue from equipment sales.
  • But a golfer that buys equipment from you is much more likely to buy all the other categories from you including high-margin clothing and game-improvement programs.
  • A golfer ‘fitted’ for the correct equipment will play better golf and that means more enjoyment.
  • A golfer who has bought new equipment will play more golf and that’s good for the club.
  • A golfer who is playing ‘better golf’ because of you, will be more loyal to your club.
  • Improve a golfer’s game and that golfer will speak well of you around the club.

You MUST dominate this category because you need to ‘play’ to your strengths.

You are the ‘master’ of all things connected to the swing.

Look at the activities you perform and ask how many require a PGA Professional’s skills.

We have seen too many PGA Professionals who are under pressure at their Clubs. They have almost always lost connection with their core skills and no longer impact enough golfers or contribute enough to increasing Club Revenues.

The whole industry needs the PGA Professional to be a marketing weapon for their Facility.

A playing, teaching, fitting marketing weapon helping more golfers to play better golf.

There’s a big change coming in retail. The brands are the new retailers. Contact us now to see how you can compete in that new world. We would love you to connect other PGA Professionals to this feature. Use the share links below to spread the message.