Best Practice

You are the EXPERT the golfer needs and wants to work with.

The hope for a better golf game

Despite the appearance this golfer isn’t trying to buy a new Driver.

This golfer is dreaming of golf suddenly becoming easier.

This golfer is trying to buy a ‘better golf’ game.

This golfer is in a superstore looking for a deal but knows that all they’ve got is ‘hope’ for a better game.

Tell me who is more likely to help a golfer hit this #7 Iron where they want to? It’s the PGA Professional. The golfer knows that. That’s the unique proposition of the PGA Professional.

The golfer wants you to make it easier for them to spend time with you. They want you to ‘invest’ in their golf game. They want a PGA Professional as their personal golf guru.

Interested in why you Shouldn’t and Mustn’t reduce the importance of the Equipment Category, click here to read more. We would love you to connect other PGA Professionals to this feature. Use the share links below to spread the message.